There are variations of this old proverb in many cultures around the world. It relates to wealth only lasting for three generations.
The often-repeated pattern sees the first generation start out wearing sandals, as they are without wealth and often without an education.
The best opportunity for this generation is to be entrepreneurs. They work hard and make great sacrifices to create wealth for their family.
The second generation is born into wealth, have a good education and often have a very different lifestyle from their parents.
The third generation are brought up with wealth and do not witness the hard work that went into creating it. This generation consumes the wealth and the family is soon back to wearing sandals.
Don’t let this be your family’s story, as it doesn’t have to be this way. Legacy Wealth Advisors Pte Ltd provides independent professional wealth preservation and succession planning expertise to help families to leave the legacy of their dreams.
We offer bespoke consulting services to design and implement a succession plan that ensures the smooth transition of wealth to a prepared next generation.